Turtle Power

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sick, AGAIN!

I do not understand this. I usually do not get majorly sick too often. The last time was 3 years ago when I had mono. Since then, I have had a few colds, but nothing too serious. Freshman year, my roommate got mono, I never got it. Junior year, when I studied abroad in London, all 30 odd people in my group got sick at some point except for me. My immune system has held up well over the years. Not this year.

Just two weeks ago I had strep throat. All day Monday I felt just fine. I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday with a temperature of 102 which reached 103. This illness is even worse than the strep two weeks ago. I went to the doctor twice this week, and they said it was a sinus infection which would make it the fourth one within the last 3 months. I have never heard of a sinus infection giving someone a fever this high. My throat is bright red with white spots all over it. The glands in my throat are so swollen that it hurts to move my neck even a little bit. I have no energy, not even to watch my beloved TV. All I can do is lie in bed and sleep. The antibiotics that the nurse practitioner gave me have worked a bit, but I am still feeling sick, with a little improvement. At least my temp has dropped to 100, and is no longer 103. The doctor referred me to a ear/nose/and throat specialist because of the recurring sinus infections. They do not have any appointments open until mid-May. If I get sick again before then, I might go crazy.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Yesterday I got back from 5 days in Orlando. The conference was exhausting. I ended up making friends wtih one of our resellers, L*earning Services, and they took me with them to MGM Studios. They even paid for both my admission ticket and lunch.
Here are some pictures, and a few things I learned from my stay in Orlando.

When the temperature is in the low 60's at night in Florida, it is considered cold.
If I stand for 10 straight hours, my feet will swell up.
Teacher's love free company pencils.
Teacher's will get crabby if they do not win in the prize wheel drawing contest.
I wish I were still a kid, as Disneyworld would have been more "magical."
Florida has the worst bagels ever.

The view from my room in my hotel, which I spent very little time in.

MGM Studios

Taken mostly to make Allie jealous.

I told you I would make friends with Mickey.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Strep to sun

The previous five days:
I have been sick with strep throat, which I have not had in 12 years. It was almost as much fun as the last time. I missed 3 days of work, and it was a struggle to get out of bed. My 3 days off from work, and the weekend included:
A LOT of sleep.
A lot of TV.
A lot of reading. "The Great Mortality" is a great read when you are sick. It reminded me that my sickness could be so much worse.
A lot of milkshakes and hot tea.
A very nice boy helping to take care of me.

Alas, penicillin is a miracle, and I improved in time for the first day of spring, with temps in the 30's.

The next five days:
I will be in Orlando for work, where temps will be sunny in the upper 70's. I look forward to hobnobbing with Mickey.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Spring is coming

On Saturday, me, Heather, and Patrick went to Haymarket, an amazing farmer's market, with lots of delicious fruits/vegetables and cheap prices.

Most of the people running the stands were very nice. But after taking this picture, the guy tried to charge me $1 for taking it.

After the crowds of Haymarket got to be too much, we walked around on the beautiful pre-Spring day. We met a very nice guy on a bench, and we all soon befriended him.

It was mid-March, the day was beautiful, and I could not have been happier because winter is almost over, and spring is coming!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Missing college

It has been 9 months since I have graduated college, and oh do I miss it. I miss my friends there. I miss Main Street. I miss the beautiful campus. I miss being able to take a nap in the middle of the day. But, being the huge dork that I am, one of the biggest things that I miss is classes. Every semester, when the new class schedule came out, I would excitedly flip through to see what classes were offered and what professors were teaching them. The beginning of the semester was always exciting because I got to look through the syllabus to see what I would be learning for the next semester. Even the trip to the bookstore for the semester's books was a thrill.
But throughout my four years, there were the few classes that I loved. I would look forward to attending, and when the semester was over, I was sad that these classes were over as well.

Here are the good, the bad/ugly of the classes during my college career, done by year.

The Good
Civil Rights Movement

The reason I liked this class so much can be seen here.

Since I already wrote about this class before, I get two good for freshman year.
Intro to Screen Arts
The professor for this class was hilarious, and my friends still give me a hard time about my supposed crush on him. But what I really loved about the class was that I no longer can watch a film without noticing, critiquing, and analyzing it.

The Bad
Child Development
While the class was very interesting, the testing was just plain evil. The professor was a good guy, but he was used to teaching doctorate students. The tests were extremely long and hard. I ended up getting a B in the class, but that was only from studying 12 hours straight for the final test.

The Good
Problems of Corrections
As someone wrote on ratemyprofessors.com, going to this class was like going to an "informative comedy club." One class before a test, the professor said "I wrote up the test last night. I think it is pretty good, but I was high when I wrote it." Aside from that, the class really opened my eyes to the severe problems that exist within our justice system. To no surprise, an emphasis of the class was the utter stupidity of the punishment for drug offenders. As the population of people in jail continues to rise (often for non-violent crimes), I continue to remember that great class and wish things could be different within the system.

The Bad
History 101
Hey, I have a great idea. Lets jam thousands of years of history into one semester! Let's make it even better by having it in a huge lecture hall with hundreds of kids! Ooo, and you know what would top it off? Having a horrible professor teach it, with an incomprehensible lecture style.

The good
All of my second semester classes in London
I took Appreciation of Music, Art and Architecture in Context, Studies in Drama, Early British History, and Modern British History. Each class was amazing because we actually went to the places we were learning about. In the drama class, we saw a play every week; in Art History, a museum every week. It was great to not simply be lectured to, but to be able to actively participate in learning outside of a lecture hall.

The bad
Climactic Processes
I had to take this for one of my four science requirements. Again, teaching a class in a giant lecture hall is never a good idea, and is definitely not conducive to a good learning environment. I learned absolutely nothing, and it was always a huge struggle to stay awake. To top it off, the idiot professor put all the notes online, and simply read straight from the notes in class, making it extremely easy to skip class and not miss anything. To top it off, the accompanied lab was taught by an inept grad student who made us walk around in the freezing cold measuring who knows what. I was lucky to pass that class.

The good
20th Century France
Taken during my last semester for my last requirement for my History minor, this class seemed destined to be boring. But I learned a tremendous amount about French modern history from films to racial tensions. When the riots outside of Paris occurred earlier this year, I was not surprised given their history. And with the recent murder of a young Jewish man there, it echoes the injustices committed against Alfred Dreyfus because of anti-Semitism.

The bad
Film Theory: Film+Comics
What should have been an awesome class sucked because of the professor. He was young, and thought he was cool, but had absolutely no concept on how to lecture. His lectures were all over the place, making it impossible to take notes, and very difficult to write papers. Despite this, I do find comics a lot more interesting than I used to.

If you have made it down this far, I am impressed as I'm sure no one cares about the classes I took in college. In missing college and classes so much, I am beginning to wonder more and more whether grad school is in my future.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Should I stay or should I go?: Part II

Netflix is a dear friend of mine. But lately, my friend has been quite distant. I decided to write a letter to my friend explaining my hurt feelings towards them.

I have been a member of Netflix since September 2005. For the first few months, I was extremely happy with the services that Netflix offered. I would return my movies on Monday, get an e-mail on Tuesday, and receive my new movies on Wednesday.
Within the last month, I have noticed a drastic change in the great level of service that I was used to. Currently, it takes a week or more for the nearest Netflix shipping center to inform me that they have received my films. Being that the nearest shipping center is 40 miles away, I know that it should not take nearly that long to get there. After it is finally received, it will take 3 to 5 days for me to receive the films.
I was complaining to someone about my recent very poor level of service, and they informed me that frequent renters are treated with the least amount of care. Apparently, this has become such a problem within the company that there was a lawsuit about it.
Part of why I joined Netflix was based on the advertising for the company. The claim in the ads is that you can have unlimited rentals a month. Now, with such a slow turnover rate, I am only getting 2-3 movies a month. I might as well rent from a video store because it would be less expensive per rental at this point.
I am a recent college graduate at a job where I do not make a lot of money. I allow myself this one extravagance per month because I believed that Netflix was worth it. I am really angry with the level of service lately, and if things do not improve within the next week, I am taking my business to one of your competitors.
Thank you for your time.

Netflix sent me a form letter response explaining the way that their business works and how prompt they are. Ha! I sent them another letter back.

I understand that you are trying to maximize your profits by putting the most frequented renters at the bottom of your list. But I know of a number of people that are really angry by the way these customers are being treated. I should not be punished for being a frequent renter. You also should not base your advertising on "unlimited rentals per month!."
The turnaround time right now is two weeks just to get a movie, which is ridiculous. Honestly, I am not satisfied with the answer I have received or with this policy. Because of my disapointment with this policy and with the company, I have decided to discontinue my membership to Netflix,and am going to join Blockbuster to see if they are any better. And I guarantee that other people are going to drop out because of this policy. By trying to maximize profits, I feel that in the long run you are going to lose business by not treating all of your customers with the same levels of service.

Since writing to Netflix, the service has improved. I will give them another month before dumping them and going to Blockbuster.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Should I stay or should I go?

I found out earlier this week that I will be going to Orlando for 3 days at the end of March to help out at an education trade show. Woo hoo! The show ends on Friday night, and I would not be leaving until Saturday morning. I have asked my coworkers that are going to the show if they would want to go to Disneyworld with me, and they cannot for various reasons.

This is where my dilemma comes in. Since anyone who knows me at all is fully aware that I can not make a decision to save my life, I need help making one. Should I stay an extra day in Orlando by myself to go to one of the Disney parks (emphasis that I would be going by myself.) I am just scared that if I go to by myself, it will not be fun. But then, what other chance will I have to get a free flight to Orlando, and only have to pay for one night's hotel, and the entrance fee to one of the parks?

Help me make a decision please!