Turtle Power

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Damn those montages!

I do not know what is happening to me recently. I was never one to cry during movies, and would roll my eyes at people who did. But lately I have become quite the sucker for cheesy montages. Gear one of those up, and I get teary eyed.

Lately, it has been with my new found love "American Idol" where at the end of every episode when a contestant goes home they play a montage with the annoying song "Bad Day" playing in the background. Even when I did not like the contestant, I would still get choked up. And in the finals, when they had montages of the finalists growing up, there were actually tears in my eyes. This does not go well with my old cynical and critical self.

Today was Katie Courac's last day at the "Today" show. I don't even like her! But this morning, with the Today show in the background they showed clips of Katie over the last 15 years, and I felt the lump in my throat rising.

Today was also the last day of work for a guy at my office who is going to be working for our parent company from home. I was fine during all of the speeches from my co-workers, but then they showed a montage from his last 12 years here. And of course I got choked up. Luckily there was not cheesy music playing in the background or I would have lost it in front of my coworkers, and no one wants to see that.

Montages are pure evil.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Wonder Years

It has been a year (on May 28) since I have graduated college. Wow. Throughout my senior year in college, various people would ask me "So, what are you doing after you graduate?" To this, I wanted to say "I don't know, leave me alone!" I was never good at answering the "What do you want to be when you grow up?" question. And a year out of college, I still have no idea. It is not a good feeling.

Various possibilities I have sort of considered are high school English teacher, or librarian. Both of which require me to go back to school. I would not mind doing this, but the GRE's and the cost of grad school scare me. Plus, I should not go to grad school until I really know what I want to do, and I do not see me figuring that out anytime soon.

My current job as a customer service rep is definetly not what I want to do with the rest of my life. But, it seems that that is all my resume sees me cut out as doing. As most people reading this should know by now, I have recently decided that I am going to move to Philly within the next couple of months to move in with two good friends. There is still a problem of finding a job. I have already applied to a good number of places, and have yet to hear back from any of them. Very frustrating.

So, I will be moving to a new city, again with no idea what to do as a job when I get there. I'll probably end up doing customer service again, which does not look too appealing right now. Will I ever figure out what I want to do with my life? I hate the people who have always known what they wanted to do. I am so lost. Being 22 sucks.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Give him hell!"

As I have previously written, my landlord is quite the dick. For the last 10 days (since May 14), we have not had working outlets or light in half of the apartment. Allie and I, since day 1 have been calling Joe (the landlord) at work, and on his cell phone, leaving many messages ( I feel bad for his poor secretary, but I guess she must get angry phone calls a lot considering her boss is an idiot.) Of course, wonderful Joe has not returned any of our calls.

I finally reached him on his cell phone on Saturday. He told me that we needed to turn off and on all the switches on the circuit breaker. Both Allie and I did that, but I guess since we are two young girl's, he thought that we did not know how to do this correctly. He came on Monday to do the exact same thing we had already done with the circuit breaker, and surprise!, it did not fix the problem.

Backtrack to 9 months ago. When Allie and I first moved in, both of the knobs on our doors were falling of the hinges. We knew that Joe would not fix them, so we each paid $10 for new doorknobs with locks on them for privacy. Joe did not like this. Apparently it is against the law. I have not listened to him to remove these doorknobs because I hate him, and I really do not believe it against the law.

So today, I finally was able to reach him. Instead of apologizing or offering a solution to our outlet problem, he starts getting on me about changing the doorknobs. I told him "We will change the doorknobs as soon as you fix our outlet problem." Then he told me again that it was the circuit breaker. He said that he is going to get an electrician in tomorrow, but I doubt it. Then again about the doorknobs. I told him "Joe, I am not going to go out of my way to change the doorknobs. We put them in in the first place because they were broken, and we knew you were not going to fix them. It is not a priority for me to change them when you have not done anything for the last 10 days about our not having working outlets in half of the apartment."

To this, he started stammering and saying that he has been trying to get in contact with me. The only number he has of mine is my cell phone, and I have seen no missed calls from this moron, and neither has Allie. He stammered a bit more, and said that the electrician would be in tomorrow, and when we get a chance, could we please take care of the doorknobs when we could.

My boss and co-workers overheard my conversation. John (my boss) IMed me while on the phone to "Give him hell!" I guess I tend to let people get away with stuff, and it was a great feeling to tell Joe off. I should do this more often!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This is bad

Shortly after the beginning of 2006, I made a New Year's Resolution that like most resolutions quickly was quit. I decided I was going to lose 20 pounds. After losing about five and quickly gaining it back, that resolution really needs to be picked back up.

But, that is really hard to do when temptations surround me. A couple weeks ago, my company moved to a brand new office space. The curses of this space is that it is a one minute walk away to Panera.

Since moving to this space, I have probably had Panera for lunch about 65% of the time. While I have been eating relatively healthy there (today I had black bean soup in a bread bowl) I can not keep eating there everyday both for the sakes of my stomach and my wallet. I need to start eating healthier but Panera is so good.

To make matters even worse, the ice cream man comes by in his truck every other day or so. Today, I could not resist the temptation to buy some ice cream since it was the first warm and sunny day in the last couple of weeks.

I need help!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This is not a turtle blog

Within the last couple of months, I have discovered the magic of the blog Site Meter. Here, you can see who is looking at your blog (by what city, internet service, how they found your blog, and what website they went to after viewing your blog.) Usually, I can recognize who is who, but sometimes people happen upon my blog by a Google or Yahoo search. The majority of people who do not know who find my blog are people looking for turtle information. These searches have included:
"how can i tell my turtle is sick"
"turtle graffiti"
"turtle strep throat"
"buying my first turtle"
"pictures of turtles"
"white spots on my turtle"

These poor people must have been pretty disappointed to find my blog and not find any turtle information. Maybe I should turn this into a turtle blog to oblige the fans.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Still around

I have not written in a couple of weeks. I suck. I really do not have much to write about these days, and am trying to figure some things out.

But...this weekend, was Somerville Open Studios. Saturday and Sunday, artists open up their studios (which can include an actual studio or their houses) to display their artwork for show and sale. The weekend was spent walking all around Somerville going into random artist's houses and studios, looking at their art, and eating their snacky food that was out.

The art was good and bad. It ranged from really innovative photography to beaded bracelets done by weird cat loving women. (Who called their cat a whore.)

With all the good and not so good art around this weekend, what did I end up buying? A cute purse and skirt.