Should I stay or should I go?: Part II
Netflix is a dear friend of mine. But lately, my friend has been quite distant. I decided to write a letter to my friend explaining my hurt feelings towards them.
I have been a member of Netflix since September 2005. For the first few months, I was extremely happy with the services that Netflix offered. I would return my movies on Monday, get an e-mail on Tuesday, and receive my new movies on Wednesday.
Within the last month, I have noticed a drastic change in the great level of service that I was used to. Currently, it takes a week or more for the nearest Netflix shipping center to inform me that they have received my films. Being that the nearest shipping center is 40 miles away, I know that it should not take nearly that long to get there. After it is finally received, it will take 3 to 5 days for me to receive the films.
I was complaining to someone about my recent very poor level of service, and they informed me that frequent renters are treated with the least amount of care. Apparently, this has become such a problem within the company that there was a lawsuit about it.
Part of why I joined Netflix was based on the advertising for the company. The claim in the ads is that you can have unlimited rentals a month. Now, with such a slow turnover rate, I am only getting 2-3 movies a month. I might as well rent from a video store because it would be less expensive per rental at this point.
I am a recent college graduate at a job where I do not make a lot of money. I allow myself this one extravagance per month because I believed that Netflix was worth it. I am really angry with the level of service lately, and if things do not improve within the next week, I am taking my business to one of your competitors.
Thank you for your time.
Netflix sent me a form letter response explaining the way that their business works and how prompt they are. Ha! I sent them another letter back.
I understand that you are trying to maximize your profits by putting the most frequented renters at the bottom of your list. But I know of a number of people that are really angry by the way these customers are being treated. I should not be punished for being a frequent renter. You also should not base your advertising on "unlimited rentals per month!."
The turnaround time right now is two weeks just to get a movie, which is ridiculous. Honestly, I am not satisfied with the answer I have received or with this policy. Because of my disapointment with this policy and with the company, I have decided to discontinue my membership to Netflix,and am going to join Blockbuster to see if they are any better. And I guarantee that other people are going to drop out because of this policy. By trying to maximize profits, I feel that in the long run you are going to lose business by not treating all of your customers with the same levels of service.
Since writing to Netflix, the service has improved. I will give them another month before dumping them and going to Blockbuster.
i say if you can only afford one extravegance per month, drop netflix and take up bourbon.
Listmaker, at 3/07/2006 5:56 PM
I second that motion. If you're drunk you won't notice you're not watching a movie.
Anonymous, at 3/07/2006 6:03 PM
Netflix has been doing this to me too, the bastards. I thought it was becuase I lived in a cave in the woods. I'm going to copy you and see what happens.
Maybe all the Turtle Power netflix users could launch a class action lawsuit? Think of all the bourbon a succesful settlement could buy. Of course, to us Brits this is bourbon, but still.
Wisdom Weasel, at 3/08/2006 9:09 AM
I want my bourbon!
I have noticed a mild slide in the netflix efficency thing.
I have also noticed that popular things ('Scrubs' is an example) are so cracked up and scartched as to be unplayable. OK, they do replace them pretty quick but still.
Mondale, at 3/08/2006 4:43 PM
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