Sick, AGAIN!
I do not understand this. I usually do not get majorly sick too often. The last time was 3 years ago when I had mono. Since then, I have had a few colds, but nothing too serious. Freshman year, my roommate got mono, I never got it. Junior year, when I studied abroad in London, all 30 odd people in my group got sick at some point except for me. My immune system has held up well over the years. Not this year.
Just two weeks ago I had strep throat. All day Monday I felt just fine. I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday with a temperature of 102 which reached 103. This illness is even worse than the strep two weeks ago. I went to the doctor twice this week, and they said it was a sinus infection which would make it the fourth one within the last 3 months. I have never heard of a sinus infection giving someone a fever this high. My throat is bright red with white spots all over it. The glands in my throat are so swollen that it hurts to move my neck even a little bit. I have no energy, not even to watch my beloved TV. All I can do is lie in bed and sleep. The antibiotics that the nurse practitioner gave me have worked a bit, but I am still feeling sick, with a little improvement. At least my temp has dropped to 100, and is no longer 103. The doctor referred me to a ear/nose/and throat specialist because of the recurring sinus infections. They do not have any appointments open until mid-May. If I get sick again before then, I might go crazy.
Sick huh? This week is the first time in many months the temperature has climbed into the sunny upper 60's. Supposed to hit the 70's today. Don't forget your sunscreen, and get well soon.
Anonymous, at 3/31/2006 9:25 AM
how are you feeling today?
Listmaker, at 3/31/2006 6:21 PM
Poor Damy!!! I don't think the weakest link got sick when we were in London. Or the psycho bitch. But you didn't even get sick when you were stuck between two sickies at Shockheaded Peter! What is happening to you??
Anonymous, at 3/31/2006 11:05 PM
it sounds more like strep with your throat all irritated and gross than a sinus infection. Maybe even tonsilitis? Since I'm not a doctor maybe you can find another ear, nose and throat guy to see if the other one is busy.... or tell them that you need to be seen sooner. Let me know how you're doing!
Anonymous, at 4/03/2006 12:05 AM
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