The Wonder Years
It has been a year (on May 28) since I have graduated college. Wow. Throughout my senior year in college, various people would ask me "So, what are you doing after you graduate?" To this, I wanted to say "I don't know, leave me alone!" I was never good at answering the "What do you want to be when you grow up?" question. And a year out of college, I still have no idea. It is not a good feeling.
Various possibilities I have sort of considered are high school English teacher, or librarian. Both of which require me to go back to school. I would not mind doing this, but the GRE's and the cost of grad school scare me. Plus, I should not go to grad school until I really know what I want to do, and I do not see me figuring that out anytime soon.
My current job as a customer service rep is definetly not what I want to do with the rest of my life. But, it seems that that is all my resume sees me cut out as doing. As most people reading this should know by now, I have recently decided that I am going to move to Philly within the next couple of months to move in with two good friends. There is still a problem of finding a job. I have already applied to a good number of places, and have yet to hear back from any of them. Very frustrating.
So, I will be moving to a new city, again with no idea what to do as a job when I get there. I'll probably end up doing customer service again, which does not look too appealing right now. Will I ever figure out what I want to do with my life? I hate the people who have always known what they wanted to do. I am so lost. Being 22 sucks.
calm down. travel. wait tables. get drunk. hang out with friends. barbeque. you are too young to be worrying about the rest of your life. live for the present. no one is putting pressure on you other than yourself.
Listmaker, at 5/25/2006 5:08 PM
where is all this pressure coming from? it's definitely not stone groove and meow-rilyn. it's definitely not me and listmaker. seriously, what is making you think you need to have it all figured out at 22? there is no set age at which you're supposed to know. there are no rules about this.
you can work 40 years doing the same thing and one day wake up and decide you don't want to be doing it. you can have 8 different jobs before you're 30 and still be ok (case in point, yours truly).
it's great that there are people who have known what they wanted to do since they could walk, but who says you have to? even if you have friends who know what they want to do, who is to say they won't change their mind down the line? one of my best friends just decided that she doesn't want to be a surgeon anymore after like a bazillion years of medical school and residency. things like this happen all the time.
being 22 does not suck. being self-loathing sucks. pressuring yourself for no good reason sucks. thinking you have to be in line with what you think everyone else is doing sucks.
youthlarge, at 5/26/2006 2:09 PM
Youthlarge and Listmaker:
I am not really pressuring myself. I am just kind of lost in life, and I would feel better if I had some sort of idea or direction with what I want to do. I think what is bothering me is that my whole life, I knew what I would be doing the next year. Even senior year of high school, when there was some uncertainty over what college I was going to go to freaked me out. I just do not like the feeling of not knowing where I will be next year.
I do not feel like I am pressuring myself, I just want to feel satisifed with where I am in life, and right now I am not. But, I do feel happy about my decision to move to Philly, and future possibilities.
And, I am happy that Stone Groove, Meowrilyn, Listmaker, and Youthlarge do not pressure me to figure things out and care about me. Thanks!
Turtle Power, at 5/26/2006 7:02 PM
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