A bunch of family photos
Over the weekend, I flew down to Charlotte to visit my relatives down there. Between the relatives of Charlotte and relatives coming down to Charlotte, the number of family totaled 15. It was great seeing everyone, and it was a really great weekend.
Among the highlights:
Seeing my cousin Jerry in "The Goat. Of course Stone Groove needed a picture with the poor goat.
Having genuine Southern cooking for the first time. The biscuit, mac+cheese, and salmon patties were delicious. I also tried grits for the first time; not very impressed.
And of course the biggest highlight was seeing and catching up with all the family.
And now to bore you with a number of family photos:
Listmaker lurks in the background
Youthlarge and Listmaker, non-lurking
Stone Groove with Sister Groove
Cousins, part I
Cousins, part II
Aunt Alice+ Cousin Toby
Stone Groove+Mrs. Groove
This post should be Stone Groove's favorite ever because of all the pictures of him.
Stone Groove says:
Love those pictures of me.
Anonymous, at 4/17/2006 7:43 PM
Grits are sooooo overrated!
Anonymous, at 4/19/2006 9:57 AM
Oooh oooh!! I have a comment!! Would you have seen "The Goat" again had your cousin not been in it? Tell your cousin to be in "The Pillowman." You enjoyed that one better. :-P
Anonymous, at 4/19/2006 10:02 PM
just because you are eating "soul food" in the south does not make for an authentic southern food experience. that was not proper soul food, amy. there are far more authentic and by far better tasting places in brooklyn. any rightful place would have known better than to serve those dried out pork chops and tasteless green beans. the lack of fried chicken on the menu should have tipped us off.
youthlarge, at 4/23/2006 6:51 PM
thanks for the recap, those were some good family times but you still need more kissesxxxxxxx
Anonymous, at 4/27/2006 12:12 AM
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