I moved to Massachusetts in August. I had spent the majority of my driving years in Maryland and Delaware, and now I realize how spoiled I was. Sure, there were always the jerky drivers who did not use their turn signals (one of my biggest pet peeves), but I learned to live with it.
My first month in Massachusetts was spent living in Worcester. Almost immediately, I was struck by what jerks people were when they were driving. Not putting on a turn signal was just the beginning! Cars would constantly cut me off, turn left when they did not have enough time, and were generally awful. I was complaining to Allie about this to which her reply was "Yea...that is why people call them Massholes."
Once I got to Boston, it was no different. The drivers up here continue to be among the rudest and worst I have ever encountered. And its not just the drivers! Pedestrians are jerks too. They will slyly and slowly jaywalk across the street without looking. I honked once, and the dumb teenage girl cursed at me and hit my car.
I have talked to some native Massachusettsians about this. Apparently, the only way to solve my frustration level is to become a Masshole like them. But, I do not think I want to stoop to that level. I will continue to try to be as courteous a driver as possible, and will always use my turn signals.
In health news: I am now completely better after 5 days of feeling like complete crap. Thank you to everyone who asked how I was doing, and to my brother for calming me down over the phone during the worst of it.
i suggest as a reward for my good behavior that you change my name in your links.
Listmaker, at 4/03/2006 8:20 PM
your brother should be a negotiator, like samuel l. jackson. i'm glad you were feeling better. that was some scary news.
youthlarge, at 4/05/2006 11:49 AM
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