Don't touch me cause I'm electric, and if you touch me, you'll get shocked!
Over the last month or so at work, I have been in a shocking situation. For some reason, the building that I work in has been giving me big problems in the forms of numerous electric shocks throughout the day. And not just puny electric shocks. These are hardcore. I will be walking around the halls, and be inches away from a wall, and still get shocked. Shocks have even gone through someone I am standing next to, onto me. It has become quite the problem. Is there some sort of anti-shock device that I can invest in? If not, I am going through the rest of the winter with staticy hair, or I might really be electrocuted and meet an early end. Any suggestions?
Don't wear so much fleece.
Anonymous, at 2/27/2006 4:33 PM
Don't change anything! I am entertained by every shriek of suprise and exclamation, "oh my god! I was just shocked again!!" when you come over to ask questions.
Anonymous, at 2/27/2006 6:24 PM
i am also electric...heres some things that help. if you have longhair, keep it in a braid or use lots of is a conducter. Dont drag your feet, maybe look into shoes with a diferent soul than what you have now. And heres the big one... rub yourself, clothes, and hair with a fabric softener sheet to prevent static or buy "static guard" spray and spray it all over yourself, keep the sheet in your pocket, and do it again thru out the day. Using hand lotion can have the same effect as well, apply it every coupla hours on your hands arms and even through your hair. If you try some of these you should be able to reduce your static elecricity, mine used to be so bad, small lights would turn on if I stood so joke! I know its no fun at all, and kina hurts to be so shocking. but dont worry, you do not put out enough elecricity to electricute yourself...possible compustion though ; )
Anonymous, at 2/25/2008 11:39 PM
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