A weekend with kickball, Korean BBQ, and HUEY!
This last weekend I went down to visit Listmaker and Youthlarge in New York. On Friday, I got to Listmaker's school in the afternoon, and came just in time to play a game of kickball with his 3rd graders. The kids were really great, and briefly, I considered maybe I could be a teacher. But I quickly brushed that thought aside when I remembered that I have no patience.
After recess, there was a 15 minute Q+A with me and the kids. The kids then presented current events.
The kids are currently learning about strikes throughout history and what they can accomplish. The kids then went outside and demonstrated their own strike in front of waiting parents and passing people on the sidewalk.
Saturday was spent in rainy pursuit of Huey tickets. Read all about the Huey performance at Listmaker. After Huey, I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed our Korean BBQ dinner.
All in all, it was a great weekend. But what weekend involving Huey would not be?
Your brother is turning those kids into bloodsucking communists.
Mondale, at 1/20/2006 11:55 AM
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