A reason to look forward to the Oscars
I'm sure this is old news to everyone by now, but it was announced yesterday that this year the host for the Oscars will be my beloved Jon Stewart! While Jon Stewart has become somewhat overexposed in the media recently, I still adore him. He's cute, smart, liberal, funny, self-deprecating. What more could a gal want? All of this is a perfect combination for a Oscar host.
My idolization of Jon started when I was a young teen. I read his book "Naked Pictures of Famous People" and I immediately took to his dry humor. I was thrilled when he started hosting the "Daily Show" when I was 15, and I have watched the show as often as I can since then.
This summer, right after graduation, I got the chance to see him in person! My friends and I made it to the second row with an excellent view of Jon. When I was about 16ish I saw Conan O Brien. While he was funny in person, his jokes and demeanor felt stiff, and there was no audience interaction during the commercial breaks. Such was not the case with Jon. He had a Q+A before the show with the audience. During the commercial breaks he talked with the audience. While a video segment that Rod Corddry did was playing, he seemed genuinely amused by it. When I saw Conan, during a video segment he was too busy and important talking to producers to watch the segment.
Seeing Jon Stewart's show in person proved to me that his fame has not gone to his head. He is still the same laid back, modest person he was over a decade ago on his MTV show. Hence, I am very interested to see what he will do as Oscar host.
Me in bliss before seeing the Daily Show taping in June.
Stone Groove says:
Jon Stewart is no Bob Hope.
By Anonymous, at 1/07/2006 9:38 AM
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