So this is the new year, and I don't feel any different
Apparently I have been a "blog slacker" lately, so here is an update from the last couple of weeks.
*Allie has gone home to Washington until January 21. I miss her. I have had a number of roommates over the years, and have not liked the majority of them (excluding Kristin, Aileen, and Belinda.) So if most of my previous roommates had gone away for a month, I would have been thrilled. But Allie is one of my best friends and has stayed so despite living together. We joke around about it, but she is kind of like my wife. She makes me dinner a lot, I pick her up after class, we discuss our days, we watch TV together. She is a great friend and roommate, and I will be happy to have her back. Until then, my apartment is very quiet and lonely.
*I went home for a week. It was a good trip home with lots of quality time with my parents. Stone Groove, and I (plus special guest Kristin) went to see King Kong. It was long, but still entertaining. We all agreed, at least a half hour could have been taken off of the movie with nothing lost. Damn Peter Jackson and his long movies!
*While home, Kristin came to visit from Pennsylvania. I have not seen her since graduation, and it was a nice reunion. Plus, she brought us delicious chocolate covered pretzels, and home-made cookies (of which Stone Groove consumed most of them.) AND, she stuffed a Hanukkah stocking for me! What a great friend!
*Office jobs are no good if you gain weight easily. In college, I did not go to the gym much, or eat that well, but I walked a lot around campus. Now, I go to the gym, am not eating that well, and sit all day. My body is not liking this. Since starting this job about 6 months ago, I have gained about 10 pounds, to the point where my clothes are getting tight. I have reached this weight twice before this. I refuse to go above this weight. In high school, I was able to take 20 pounds off, and a couple years ago, I was able to take about 10 pounds off. And its time again to take this damn weight off for the new year. So I have joined, which so far is actually pretty great. They give you a customized meal plan which covers every meal for the week, a fitness plan, a grocery list, and lots of support. This is exactly the kind of structure that I need to help me lose the weight.
I have given my co-workers permission to not let me snack anymore at work, or partake in ordering lunch out. I also give everyone in blog land permission. (But, I may be going down to NYC this weekend. I give myself permission to stray away from the meal plan this weekend, but not to over do it.)
That is about all that is going on in Turtle Land.
3 Comments:, huh? i think i need that. i'm not disciplined enough though.
Listmaker, at 1/04/2006 4:58 PM
I thought an ediet was an Irish moron until I discovered Smirnoff.
Good luck with battling the office tummy syndrome- I've now worked behind a desk of some description for 10 years (as long as I have been in the States, coincidentally- damn you American twinkies) and have managed to add a net 35lbs (or three and a half average sized babies), 30 of which I'm determined to shed by my wedding in May. I don't think the "NYFD Firefighter's Workout" DVD I found in a discount store is going to make me look particularly dignified, but if it works I will have to find a way to post the moves on line for all to share.
"Coil the hose! Coil the hose! Put on the helmet! Take off the helmet!" I imagine its that sort of thing.
Wisdom Weasel, at 1/05/2006 12:39 PM
I know you can do it. As I-and your mom-have told you: once you put your mind to something, you do it, and you do it right. I sound like the George Harrison song. hm.
I miss you Amers!!!! Only two more weeks till we can cook right and watch Lost while doing sit ups... yeah...
btw-I used the dcfc song in my blog too. We are meant for eachother. ::sigh:: LOVE!
Anonymous, at 1/08/2006 3:01 AM
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