Incredible aging
As mentioned before, there are some things in pop culture that I just do not get.
The latest thing that I have tried to understand the mass appeal of is "The OC." While it does not leave me as completely dumbfounded as Harry Potter's popularity does, I still question the show.
When the show first aired in the summer of 2003, it was all the rage with my 19 year old friends as we were the perfect demographic for the show. The air would be abuzz on Thursday with OC talk. In London, it was one of the few options we had on television, but I still was not really into it. Even now, watching it every week out of habit, I can take it or leave it. I am usually entertained by the show, but if I miss a week, I would not care. (This is somewhat ironic considering that in one episode of the OC about 5 dramatic plot lines occur, and the story changes drastically from week to week. If you miss a week, you will have some catch-up to do.)
I have always been a fan of ridiculous shows from "Melrose Place" to "90210." But there is one plot point with the OC that is unusually dumb. In the first season, Marissa had a younger sister who looked to be about 10. After the first couple of episodes, she was virtually erased from the show, sent off to some distant boarding school never to be seen from or heard of. But, in last night's episode "mini Coop" returns, and now she is like 15!
Mini Coop from this:
To this:
Time must move very slow in OC land because it has only been on for 2.5 years, and she has aged 5. This show is so ridiculous but I will probably continue to watch it every week.
The past two episodes have been great! The show just needs half a season to warm-up.
Marc, at 1/20/2006 4:53 PM
I don't understand the OC craze either... i liked the first maybe 6 episodes of the show... then it got ridiculous... the seth cohen character was a nerd. and he was appealing. and while he still is appealing... he has become more of the "in crowd". I hate aging on tv. It always upset me when they would age kids who were born a week before to 5 yrs old the next week. I am with ya!
Anonymous, at 1/22/2006 4:29 PM
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