Mission Irresponsible
Yesterday, everything was going just swell. I had a fine day at work, followed by a good work-out, then meeting my wonderful roommate afterwards. My gym is right next to where Allie goes to grad school in Porter Square in Cambridge, so I go to the gym after work to work out for about 45 minutes before her class lets out, then we drive home.
Every parking space in the lot at Porter Square is for "compact" cars. I suppose my car could be considered compact, but I guess SUV drivers do not know what that means. With this in mind, it is usually pretty hard to maneuver into such a small space. Yesterday, I was pretty proud of my parking job under such a tiny space, and admired my work on my walk past my car to the gym.
Following the gym, I met Allie and we happily walked back to my car, sharing stories about our days. We get back to my car to find that the car to the left of me had done the worst parking job EVER (and I say this as a person who sucks at parking.)The dumb ass car was parked to the left of me, its rear sticking out into the parking lot about two feet. To his left, he had left probably three feet for the car next to him. But for me, the generous guy left me about four inches. There was about the same amount of space on the passenger side. This left Allie and I with no conventional way in which to get into the car.
After much discussion and distortion of our bodies, we decided to go the Mission Impossible route. Allie opened the door just enough to tilt her body sideways to put the key in the ignition to open the windows. After doing that, I hoisted myself up on the jerks car, and climbed in through the window.
After making it in, and backing up so Allie could get in, we decided to write a note to the asshole. I can't remember exactly what Allie wrote but it was explained what we had to do to get in the car, and also kindly suggesting that this person go back to driver's ed and learn some common decency.
Unfortunately, I did not have my camera on hand to document the atrocity that this person would probably call a good parking job, or of me climbing in the window. 'Tis a shame, but you will just have to use your imagination.
and to think- you were so worried that you had nothing to write to about anymore.
Listmaker, at 11/03/2005 5:13 PM
Allie says:
My back and side still hurt from contorting my body to put the keys in the ignition. I hate stupid Boston "cah pahkers"!
Anonymous, at 11/03/2005 7:41 PM
Stone Groove said:
A case of parking lot rage.
Anonymous, at 11/05/2005 2:23 PM
I love your blog.... I can't tell you how entertained I have been by it...
Other peoples are boring...and you always have something quirky to mention... love the pics too!
Miss ya bunches
Laura :)
Anonymous, at 11/06/2005 9:37 PM
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