Disclaimer: This may be offensive to people from the South.
I am a customer service rep at an educational software company. Most of the people who call the company are teachers. Do not get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for teachers (especially Meowilyn and Listmaker.) But the minute that a Southern teacher calls in, I cringe a bit. I do not know why this is. I do not want to have a prejudice aganist Southern people. I just wish that everyone had a pleasant accent, perhaps British or Scottish.
It has become a running joke between me, and my coworker Heather. There have been two customers, one from Kentucky (who calls for Heather), the other from Tennessee (who asks for me) that have called on repeated occasions. On these occasions, they ask for "Haythur" or "AaaMeh" Now that is how Heather and I refer to each other in order to make talking to these deep South customers much more amusing. It is also helpful if when you are talking to them, the "Deliverance" theme song, or some variety of banjo music is playing in the background in your head.
I'm going to hell, or catching the bird flu, one of the two.
ah yeah, this is the kind of insider scoop post we all are craving!
Listmaker, at 10/27/2005 5:29 PM
Is this a sarcastic comment?
Turtle Power, at 10/27/2005 5:44 PM
no, i want some dirt too. like how do you and heather talk to asians?
youthlarge, at 10/27/2005 6:17 PM
i knew you would think i was being more sarcastic.
no, i'm serious.
Listmaker, at 10/27/2005 7:59 PM
I'm an English southerner (and mighty proud of it) Should I be offended?
Mondale, at 10/27/2005 9:29 PM
Stone Groove said:
I grew up in the South and I find your comments very offensive. Don't bother coming home for Thanksgiving.
Anonymous, at 10/28/2005 9:35 AM
Welcome Bowles! No, you should not be offended, I like all British accents, northern or southern.
Since I am banned from the house for Thanksgiving, I have decided that I see the error of my ways and embracing Southerners by moving to Mississippi next week.
Turtle Power, at 10/28/2005 9:38 AM
As annoying as southerners are, the lucky Floridians don't count as being from "the south." While geographically it may very well be in the southern part of the United States, it is by no means a "southern" state. No obnoxious southern accents, just the occasional retiree who forgot to turn his turn signal off. :-P
Anonymous, at 10/28/2005 2:49 PM
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