Another day at work
Yesterday at work, someone got the best package ever: a Clifford suit. I'm not really sure why, something to do with marketing I guess. Andrew, being the goofball that he is, stepped up to the plate, put the outfit on, and walked around the office in it.
Making copies
Making a very important sale
The man behind the dog
that's awesome.w
Marc, at 10/23/2005 8:47 PM
I loved the pictures of Clifford and your commentary. cLIFFORD making copies especially tickled my funnybone! That BIG RED DOG should know how many times I read Clifford books to you and little Listmaker (not at the same time, of course) If Clifford could talk, would he have a Southern accent? And yes, I do think that Daniel was being sarcastic! (This comment actually relates to today's post)
Anonymous, at 10/28/2005 12:50 AM
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