The Winter of my Discontent
It's official: winter is coming, and I'm scared. While it is still in the mid-50's here, this morning was the first one where I could see my breath in the air outside. I'm scared about ridiculously cold temperatures, of driving to work in the snow, and of high heating bills. For someone who hates the winter, it might not have been the brightest idea for me to move to Massachusetts.
To add insult to injury: Howard Stern's final radio days (before he moves to Sirius) are dwindling to an end. For years and years, I was subjected to Stone Groove coming home from work and telling us "hilarious" stories from that morning's Howard Stern show. Usually we would stare blankly at him, not understanding what he found so funny. But since I have started working, Howard has become part of my morning routine. He was there for me during my first month in Massachusetts when I had to commute over 45 miles each way from Worcester. He still is there for me now on my much shorter commutes from Medford. What will I do without him? I guess I'm just going to have to find some good podcasts, but no podcast can take the place of Howard.
My sentiments exactly.
chanucah is only mere weeks away. i'm sure a sirius gift isn't far away.
Listmaker, at 10/18/2005 3:30 PM
Stone Groove says:
I think that it is nice that listmaker is going to buy you Sirius as a present. He is such a wonderful brother.
Anonymous, at 10/19/2005 9:07 AM
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