You've Got to Fight For Your Right to Party!
Sorry, had to use the obligatory Beastie Boys reference. Anyways....
This article from the New York Times is about how drinking games are becoming more popular among college students, and how bars are capitalizing on this trend. I found this article amusing on many levels.
1.) Are college administrators so out of touch that they actually think that college students would play the game with WATER instead of beer? Right.
2.) I love how they refer to one of the drinking games as "flippy cup." It is flip cup! Idiots..
3.) College administrators are saying that drinking games lead to binge drinking among college students. It is true that is very easy to lose track of how much you drink with these games. But at the same time, playing these drinking games is not going to make one drink any more than just sitting around drinking. It is all a matter of knowing what your limit is, and obviously a number of students don't. But don't blame the fun drinking games!
I'm not by any means a huge drinker. But drinking games are fun, and the more that colleges try to suspend them, the more prevalent they will become.
And by the way: Youthlarge and Listmaker: Drinking games are indeed a good "pre-gaming" activity.
The interesting Miss Kristin says--Just imagine the guy who calls it "flippy cup." Then imagine yourself. You are not hanging out with him, because WHO CALLS IT FLIPPY CUP??? That guy did not learn his drinking games from a normal person. His name is probably John. And he probably looks like a mutated fish. And he's probably a Yankees fan. And I'll bet you he walks weird, too.
Anonymous, at 10/17/2005 2:38 PM
And when I say John, I do not mean your boss, for I do not know your boss. I mean the John we so fondly called the weakest link. I wonder if he's actually the missing link. Hmm...
Anonymous, at 10/17/2005 2:43 PM
Stone Groove says:
Do not drink Amy. You are too young. Wait until you are 40.
Anonymous, at 10/17/2005 4:47 PM
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