Express Yourself
I hate the D.C. Metro. I hate the fact that it costs more money to ride during rush hours. I hate that how much you pay depends on where you go. I have never seen such stupid policies in any other major cities public transportation system. Basically, I hate the ludicrous amount that it costs.
However, there is one thing I love about riding the Metro: The Washington Post Express. There are several reasons for my love of this publication including:
1.)The extemely nice guys who stand in front of the Metro every morning handing them out.
2.)The condensed versions of articles published in the Post. Now, I can read almost the whole newspaper in half the time!
3.) It is free.
4.) Quotes from various area blogs.
Between my iPod, and the Express, my commute into D.C. is almost enjoyable.
Speaking of area blogs, how did this guy get a two page write up in the New York times for his successful blog published from Towson U? Because of this blog, he is already getting job offers, and is making a good chunk of change before he even graduates. No fair!
TP, what other major public transportation systems are you referring to? The fares in Tokyo and Seoul are based on your final destination. I'm pretty sure London and San Francisco are that way too. You could make a case for New York, but you still have to pay $7 for a daily pass and get shitty cars and filthy platforms and trains that never come on time.
As for the blogger - what is not fair about it?
youthlarge, at 11/22/2006 11:09 AM
I suppose I am referring to New York and Boston. When I was living in London, I had an unlimited pass for four months, so I guess I just didn't really think about it.
And I'm just jealous of that blogger.
Turtle Power, at 11/22/2006 11:30 AM
What's stopping you from being like that blogger? Nothing! GO for it!
youthlarge, at 11/22/2006 12:18 PM
Update your blog! It gives me something to do at work.
Anonymous, at 12/05/2006 10:51 PM
I hope that when I graduate Towson -- next semester -- I'll have job offers too ... but I'm not counting on it. I also love the Washington Post Express, but that's because, once upon a time, they gave a blog entry of mine some love.
Anonymous, at 12/12/2006 1:56 PM
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