The Doors
My parents are getting the house painted. This means that the house now smells like paint, and that I have to remove the pictures from one of my doors. This is proving to be a very sad prospect.
We moved into our house 10 1/2 years ago. This was only the second house I had ever lived in, after spending my first 12 years in my beloved Peachwood neighborhood. The room in the old house was quite small, and while sad to leave that house, I was also quite pleased that in the new house my room was huge. Not only that, but I had two closets, and a shared bathroom.
After about six months in the new house, I decided that the doors of this room were way too bare. So, I went through back issues of Seventeen, YM, and Entertainment Weekly to find suitable pictures to hang on my doors.
The project of decorating my doors started at 13 with the front and back of the entrance to my room door. The project concluded around the age of 16 at the door to one of the closets.
Now, these doors have become a sort of time capsule to my entertainment and crushes of a time gone by. And now, I have to take some of them down!
Taking them down, I could only smile at the pictures of the "cute" boys from Seventeen magazine that had been hanging on my door for the last 10 years. I had also hung up a letter to the "WhatEVER" column from Seventeen Magazine that said:
"Dear WhatEVER!,
Why must girls call their periods their 'little friends'? Mine isn't a friend; I hate it. We should call it our 'little enemy'"-Confused
I had also hung up "Get a clue", and "Girls Rock."
Some celebrity crushes of days gone by include:
Matt Damon (circa "Good Will Hunting. Later, I would have an obsession with Ben Affleck, but in 1996, Matt was my man)
Jared Leto (a few years after "My So Called Life" was cancelled)
Matthew Fox and Scott Wolf (in the "Party of Five" days)
Jakob Dylan
Joseph Gordon Levitt from Third Rock From the Sun
Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard from "Scream"
Ethan Hawke
Jon Spencer
Freddie Prinze Jr.
Prince William
Last night, as I sadly took down my time capsule, I reflected on times gone by through my door. Now, part of my 13 year old self is now in the trashcan. However, I was not forced to take down the pictures from inside my room, so my 14-16 year old self can still live on (at least until those doors get painted.)
My dearly departed decorated doors:
love this post. a few thoughts --
1. i still find it so strange that the terry crummitt photo fell down (the bare white spot is still clearly visible) right after he died.
2. i love that jack watson's art is on the floor on the left.
3. you have two bedrooms in this house, don't go pretending that you only have one.
Listmaker, at 11/17/2006 3:58 PM
Stone Groove says:
She deserves 2 rooms.
Anonymous, at 11/18/2006 8:50 AM
oh wait, the terry picture is up. my mistake.
hell, amy deserves 3 rooms!
Listmaker, at 11/18/2006 10:13 PM
3 Rooms? A shared bathroom?
It's capitalism gone mad!
Mondale, at 11/20/2006 9:23 AM
She should also have a Tower of Solitude, like the one Joseph Pulitzer had built at his house in Maine.
Step to it, Mr. Stone Groove.
Wisdom Weasel, at 11/20/2006 5:50 PM
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