I'm back!
Apparently moving home means that I don't update my blog in over a month.
Currently, I am temping in a doctor's office making more than what I made at TSP, and looking for internships. I may shadow an 8th grade English teacher, and am also researching teaching somewhere overseas. Philly is still a possibility. So pretty much, I am still confused about what to do, but have a tiny bit more of an idea.
Some highlights of the last month:
*I went to the beach and stayed with Jess and friends at her parents beach house in Bethany.
Photo by Jess
*I was reunited with Caitlin at the beach, and she was kind enough to "make" a delicious breakfast feast, even if it was a bit burned.
*Back in MD, Melis turned 23 while Jonathan looked creepy.
*In Philly, I turned 23
Erin celebrates with an appletini. Another photo by Jess.
*Stone Groove hurt his back while tripping on the stairs (something about a bulging disc.) He was in an intense amount of pain for days, and I played nurse which was oh so much fun. Don't believe anything Stone Groove says: he was a big baby.
Thankfully, he is now doing much better.
*I voted in an actual voting booth, the first time since I turned 18 where I did not vote with an absentee ballot.
*I went to the MD Renaissance Festival. It was pretty much exactly the same as when I was a kid, except this time I could drink, which made it slightly less cheesy.
Joy sure loved the Festival turkey legs.
So that's the last month in a nutshell. Hopefully it won't take me a month to post again.
Help! I'm in a nutshell! How did I get in this nutshell?!
Anonymous, at 9/18/2006 6:12 PM
welcome back, we missed you. stone groove is the biggest baby ever.
Listmaker, at 9/19/2006 6:31 PM
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