A weekend with a foreigner, IKEA, and a rock
This weekend, Allie's friend Yvette from South Africa, by way of Manchester, England came to visit. This was only her second time to the states, the first to Boston, so touristy activities were on the agenda.
On Saturday, we (and by we, I mean Allie, me, Yvette, Sam, and Erica) went to a delicious brunch at Sound Bites, a great brunch place near us in Ball Square. We then made our way into Boston to Faneuil Hall, where we then decided that we wanted to see the site of the Boston Tea Party. Unfortunately, we never made it. We walked for a good hour, and then realized that we made a wrong turn way back. We were all getting cranky so we decided not to pursue our mission any farther.
Sam attempting to steal a street sign after our failed attempt to find the ship.
We crankily made our way to the North End where we indulged in a delicious Italian meal. After, I was way too full to get any more food, but Erica, Allie, and Sam were brave enough to get more food at Mike's Pastry Shop. I admire them.
Allie with her moonpie, with Erica's ghost next to her.
Sam's Rum "Babuh" which was 85% rum, 15% actual pastry. Notice the drip from the cake.
Last weekend IKEA finally opened about 30 minutes away in Stoughton. My sometimes nice brother and sister-in-law got me a wonderful gift certificate for my birthday/housewarming in September. I used the gift certificate to get a bookshelf to put my books and DVD's that have been sitting in boxes for months. Thanks again Youthlarge and Listmaker.
Allie admiring an IKEA ottoman.
Basking in the comfort of a chair.
After spending FOUR hours in IKEA, and consuming delicious Sweedish meatballs and cinnamon rolls, we headed off to Plymouth to see Plymouth Rock.
The rock....very exciting?
It's a good thing that I am going home to Maryland this week, because being a tourist can be exhausting!
Stone Groove says:
What do you mean your "sometimes" nice brother and sister-in-law? I like to start trouble.
Anonymous, at 11/21/2005 8:47 AM
"We didn't land on Plymouth Rock - that rock landed on us."
Couldn't have left much of a bruise.
Wisdom Weasel, at 11/21/2005 10:36 AM
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