Pump it up!
I am proud to say that within the last month or two, I have made going to the gym a semi-regular routine (about 3-4 days a week for 45 minutes.) I have never been a huge fan of the gym. But my wonderful iPod makes the experience much more enjoyable. If I have the right song going on my "Gym" mix, then the time on the elliptical or weights flies by, making the gym much less dreadful.
With that in mind, I only have 156 songs on my gym mix. While most of them pump me up (by the way, Elvis Costello's "Pump it Up" is indeed part of the mix), I feel like I am going to get sick of these songs soon. And once I am sick of them, the gym might become a dreaded experience once again.
Stone Groove was nice enough to give me a code that he got from Bose for 15 free downloads from iTunes. Thus far, I have only used 3, with 12 remaining. I would love if my valued readers would be so kind as to help me with suggestions on good motivating gym songs to download from iTunes. Handwashings: What got you through the NYC Marathon on your iPod?
Here are some examples of what is already on the mix. Most of the music is not very good, but it does the trick:
Beastie Boys, Britney Spears (taken from my dear roomate), Gorillaz, Kanye West, Jay Z, Ludacris, Outkast, Archers of Loaf, Hives, Hot Hot Heat.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
asia- heat of the moment
Listmaker, at 11/17/2005 9:56 PM
Stone Groove says:
Anything country.
Anonymous, at 11/18/2005 1:26 PM
i think you should give the remaining 12 free downloads to your dear brother and sister in law and then you can burn 12 songs from our collection.
p.s. bloc party is good workout music. not that i would know.
youthlarge, at 11/20/2005 9:36 PM
I have a ton of songs on a mix that I shuffle through at the gym - including some of what you listed.
I'm partial to cheesy 80s stuff like the aforementioned Asia and anthemic movie themes ("Eye of the Tiger," "You're the Best" from "Karate Kid," etc.) - and also some classic R&B/disco from the 70s.
Sure, it can be embarrassing to get caught lip-syncing to "You Are" by Lionel Richie, but for some starnge reason, that song is just so bad it gets me going.
mas, at 11/21/2005 12:17 PM
You need to add some 2pac into the mix....
Anonymous, at 11/21/2005 1:49 PM
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